Digitize film at home with this TikTok-trending Kodak scanner

Just insert, edit, and save to an SD card.
A person digitizing their film using a KODAK scanner
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High-quality photos are out, and vintage-style shots are in. Who would’ve thought that we’d be aspiring to take pictures like our parents and grandparents when we have 4K cameras in our back pockets? Well, probably Kodak, as they’ve always been ahead of trends.

A film camera is the best way to recapture that 1970s magic, but the downside is that you’ll have to find somewhere to get the film developed—unless you grab this Kodak Film N Slide Scanner to digitize them. Buy yours here and save 20 percent and get free shipping with code KODAK.

The easiest way to get in on this photo trend

We saw this gadget all over TikTok, so we had to dig into what makes it so special. Instead of having to wait to share the cool, old photos you found with your friends, you can use this scanner to turn them into digital copies and get them on Instagram or texted over to them within minutes!

You can also do some light editing (not Facetune, though) to adjust the color, brightness, or rotation or enhance the resolution up to 22MP for more detailed images. Maybe the new generation didn’t give up on quality photography after all. Join the latest photo trend now and get it before this reduced price disappears.

The Kodak Slide N Scan comes with adapters for 135, 110, and 126 films, but it can also digitize 50mm slides. Maybe you want to surprise your parents or grandparents by turning their old vacation photos into digital copies that can stay in the family forever. You might even hook the gadget up to your TV via HDMI to put on a large-screen slideshow instead of using an old projector.

Travel back in time with the Kodak Slide N Scan. With code KODAK, you can get it for just $179.99 (reg. $224), with free shipping.

StackSocial prices subject to change.