Build your own humanoid robot with these DIY courses

Study Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Python, and more with hands-on lessons.

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You aren’t the only one who’s a bit freaked out by rapidly growing AI technology and humanoid robots. If we aren’t taken over in a dramatic retelling of I, Robot, it’ll be rather nice to enjoy automation in our phones, homes, and wherever else.

If you want to help drive the craze (or take Will Smith’s role in preventing a robot takeover), you can study robotics and automation with this e-learning bundle. Bring your projects to life for just $69.99 (reg. $423)—just hopefully not literally.

The only tools required are a Raspberry Pi (an electronic device, not the dessert) and open-source programs like Python, Arduino, ROS2, and Linux. It doesn’t matter if you have no prior experience with any of this because the courses go step-by-step.

You’ll begin by building a surveillance and alarm project with Python, an obstacle detection app with Arduino, and an intercom system with Raspberry Pi. Learn from your instructor’s expertise, Edouard Renard, who once built a complete robotic arm while co-founding a startup company.

After taking all nine courses, you’ll be more comfortable inventing your own projects. What will you create first? Maybe a home automation system to control your lights from anywhere? An automatic plant watering machine so you don’t accidentally kill your flowers again? Or maybe an AI-powered security camera that recognizes when there’s a stranger at your front door? The possibilities are endless.

You get lifetime access to all of these course materials, so you can always refer back to them as you work on projects. Happy creating!

Skip ahead to checkout and get this Raspberry Pi and Arduino developer e-learning bundle for $69.99 (reg. $423).

StackSocial prices subject to change.