For a bit of fun last Friday, we asked our Facebook and Twitter followers to show off their writing chops by composing science haikus. We didn’t realize so many Popular Science readers are poets! Some of our favorite haikus are highlighted below, and one or two may even show up on the letters page of our October issue.
A supernova
Emits beauty in darkness
Explosions of light
–Stephanie Bliaya, via Facebook
I got life advice
From a lonely physicist
It’s all relative.
–Leighton Meyers, via Facebook
This strange blue plant
a collective of creatures
evolving in sync
–Julie Barrera, via Facebook
Winter, afraid of
Global warming
Ran to Antarctica
–Hitesh Sheth, via Facebook
Dividing atoms
A promise for the future
Many people died.
–Gabriel Cattan, via Facebook
Contract or expand?
Not the universe’s size
But the human mind
–Cassandra Teas, via Facebook
This assay won’t work.
But it worked fine yesterday.
Another late night.
–Aleksey Morozov, via Facebook
More than just atoms
we all are buzzing systems
of star dust and breath
–Julie Barrera, via Facebook